Work With Me

Work With Me

Hi, I’m Lori

Owner/Founder, Cybersecurity Writer, Freelance Coach

I’m primarily focused on the latest data breach, new malware outbreaks, or cloud developments. Still, when I’m not hunched down over my keyboard, you can find me on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, sharing what I know and absorbing the world.

If you want to work with me, here’s what you need to know:

It’s unusual for me to blow a gasket, but it happens when…

… some people are not good humans. I believe that everyone has the same rights and
should have access to the same opportunities.

Black, Gay, Asian, Transgender, Brown, Lesbian, Rich, Non-Binary, Poor, and similar
are labels.

We’re in this together, and it’s going to be an outrageous ride so enjoy it.

I have to believe in your product or service and its benefits to work with

If I decide to work with you, then I believe your product, service, or course has the ability
to help others, will help solve a problem, or will make their life easier.

Am I losing opportunities for my business? No. I’m still filling my space, calendar, and
inbox with clients that share my values.

Nothing beats working with your people! Give it a try!

I will give my all to your project.

Just like you did, but better. Why? Because I’m a copywriter skilled in conversion

I’m the one you look for to turn visitors into clients and to make more money.

You will sleep better knowing one thing: I will protect your reputation. Always.

I am your partner, and I’m here to grow your audience and make your business stronger!

Bits About Me

I love music and used to sing in Bengali for local events when I lived in New York.

I love animals and have owned cats and dogs. My current fur-baby is a Lhasa named

I met my husband when I lived in Los Angeles. Then he moved to New York, and I

More Bits About Me

I have traveled to a number of places, but Thailand is my favorite place to go.

I have traveled all over Bangladesh, and one of my favorite places is called Sylhet.

My husband’s family originates from Noakhali. It is known as the royal district.

In 2019, just before the pandemic hit, I traveled to Northern India and Kolkata, visiting O.P. Jindal University and doing some shopping with friends. It was a fun trip.

I have lived in Bangladesh with my family since 2005.

I love reading jokes; laughter is the best medicine, as they say.

I love meeting and talking to people from all over the world. I belong to a group of
women married to spouses from Bangladesh. They all are from different countries. It
gets interesting.

I have two children and 2 Grandchildren, and one more Grandchild on the way.
My husband’s maternal grandfather was friendly with Mahatma Gandhi and
corresponded with him. A letter to him from Gandhi has been authenticated and is
now in a museum in India.
My Grandfather was a Chemical Engineer and my best friend. He left me when I was only 5, but I still miss his presence in my life.

I was born and raised in Connecticut.

My favorite food is Italian. I grew up as the adopted grandchild of an Italian neighbor.

I make spaghetti sauce from scratch and love stuffed peppers. Yum!

I’m a coffee drinker and love caramel lattes. I also love sweets of all kinds, but
chocolate and caramel are my favorites.

I love all kinds of ice cream, but butterscotch is my favorite.

Bring me a bottle of white wine (or red), and we can chat.

I love the first snow of winter anywhere.

The smell of the rain makes me feel refreshed.

Do You Need a writer or want to collaborate?

If you need a writer, I’m your girl! I specialize in cybersecurity, cloud systems, software, SIP Telephone Systems, CMS, technology, and business topics

If you’re a security business and found me through LinkedIn, click here for Lori Imdad, my writing business website.